Cyber Essentials Certification

DMR Collation has been granted Cyber Essentials certification, adding to its existing ISO 9001 and 27001 accreditations. Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps organisations protect themselves from cyber threats, and certification involves an independent assessment of an organisation's security measures.

We are thrilled to announce that we have been granted the Cyber Essentials certification today. This is in addition to the ISO 9001 and 27001 accreditations which we have held for a number of years.

Cyber Essentials certification is a government-backed scheme that helps businesses and organisations to protect themselves from online threats. It provides a set of guidelines and standards that organisations can follow to ensure that their systems and networks are secure and resilient against cyber attacks. The certification process involves an independent assessment of an organisation’s security measures, including its firewalls, anti-virus software, and access controls. Once an organisation has achieved Cyber Essentials certification, it can display the Cyber Essentials badge on its website and marketing materials, which can help to build trust with customers and partners. Cyber Essentials certification is an important step for any organisation that takes its online security seriously and wants to protect itself from the growing range of cyber threats that exist today.

It is important to note that Cyber Essentials certification is not a one-time achievement. Organisations must renew their certification annually to ensure that their security measures remain up-to-date and effective against new and emerging cyber threats. This helps to ensure that we are continuously improving their cybersecurity posture and staying one step ahead of potential attackers.

It is worth noting that Cyber Essentials certification is not a substitute for other cybersecurity standards and practices. While it does provide a basic level of protection, DMR Collation has also implemented more advanced security measures to fully protect ourselves against cyber threats. By taking a multi-faceted approach to cybersecurity, we can ensure that we are well-protected against cyber threats and we can continue to operate and grow our business with confidence that our client’s data is secure.

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